Excel Serial Communication Example On A Resume

Excel Serial Communication Example On A Resume

Excel Serial Communication Example On Resume. Whether you’re working on a big presentation for work or school, interactive visuals always help win over an audience. We value excellent academic writing and strive to provide outstanding essay writing services each and every time you place an order. Visual Basic for Application.

Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' modCOMM - Written by: David M. Hitchner ' * with very slight modification by H. Evensen ' ' This VB module is a collection of routines to perform serial port I/O without ' using the Microsoft Comm Control component. This module uses the Windows API ' to perform the overlapped I/O operations necessary for serial communications. ' ' The routine can handle up to 4 serial ports which are identified with a ' Port ID. ** Evensen modified to handle 6 serial ports. Search for 'HTE' ' ** to find this.

' ' All routines (with the exception of CommRead and CommWrite) return an error ' code or 0 if no error occurs. The routine CommGetError can be used to get ' the complete error message. ' ' ** Evensen's modification: inserting ' ' to function declarations ' ** so that Hitchner's code works with 64-bit systems. This 'fix' may ' ** introduce other errors yet to be determined. Hello, I need to read data from the serial port to excel as input for further VBA code.

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I am new to VBA thus many of the above mentioned lines of code are quite alien to me. I can only get it through the surface of it and have no idea of the intricate details. (I roughly understood the template code of David M. Hitchner i.e. ) Is it possible for me to use this code with minor changes? Or is there any simpler code that I can use,probably one which I can better understand). May be using MsComm would be better but I couldn't enable it in my PC.:( Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Can anyone help with communicating to a COM port through Excel (on a machine that does not also have Visual Basic installed)? I've tried downloading MSCOMM -- Excel recognizes the reference to MSComm32.ocx, but I get an error when trying to use it ('Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object' ).

These are the lines of code that create the error (omitting the remainder of the subroutine). The line 'Set CPort.' Is what causes the error to pop up: Sub ComPortTesting() Dim CPort As MSComm Set CPort = New MSComm.

This is really a two part question: (1) Can this be done using MSComm? (Or is there some basic problem like a licensing/registry issue) AND (2) Is there another way to communicate with the Com port using Excel that doesn't require MSComm? --Jason RE: Excel Com port communication (Programmer) 28 May 03 10:57. Playing with MSCOMM is definitely not for the fainthearted. I use a simple solution called Cheapcom which is as far as I am aware Freeware.