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Image credit: What is energy healing? Does energy healing work? Before I answer these two questions, let us explore some fundamental and interesting facts about energy.

Did you know that energy is eternal? The scientific definition of energy is a “substance” that can’t be created or destroyed and can only be transformed into other forms. Since energy can’t be destroyed, it is eternal! Besides being eternal, energy is also conscious.

This has been proven to a certain degree by the famous double-slit experiment. Here is a short excerpt from about this experiment. “In some strange way an electron or a photon [or any other elementary particle] seems to ‘know’ about changes in the environment and appears to respond accordingly,” says physicist Danah Zohar. A group at the Weizmann Institute in Israel has done a variation of the famous “double-slit” experiment.

They used electrons, instead of photons, and observed how the resultant interference pattern (which indicates wave-like properties of the particle) dissipated the longer you watched the electrons go through the slits. As a wave the electron passes through both slits simultaneously but if, according to E Buks, it “senses” that it is being watched, the electron (as a particle) goes through only one path, diminishing the interference pattern. Elementary particles (such as photons and electrons) appear to possess a certain degree of “intelligence” and awareness of the environment. How the Double-Slit Experiment Relates to Energy Healing The double-slit experiment uses electrons and photons to demonstrate how they are aware, but these two substances are just another form of energy. As a result, the double-slit experiment shows evidence that there is some form of intelligence and awareness in energy and that its behavior can be affected by our thoughts. How does this relates to energy healing? It relates to energy healing because by understanding how energy works at the fundamental levels, you can learn how to affect its behavior and turn it into a form of quantum that can heal your body.

The most effective way to affect its behavior is through the power of thought, emotion and intention. Why Energy Healing Takes Longer to Heal Your Body Healing your body using energy healing techniques often takes longer to see results than healing your body using herbs and conventional medicine. This is because energy healing techniques often target the energy structures of the body, which exist at a deeper level than the physical structures of the body. For this reason, it takes longer for their effects to appear as physical results. The lack of quick result is one of the reasons why many people have a hard time trusting energy healing techniques. Most people often want instant results, which is why they turn to herbs and conventional medicine.

The problem with herbs and conventional medicine is that they generally heal the body at the surface or the physical level. Herbs and conventional medicine do affect your energy in subtle ways, but they aren’t very effective at healing the deeper distortions of your light bodies. What is Energy Healing and How Does Energy Healing Work? Energy healing is the process of healing things using the deeper and subtle forms of energy, such as thought and intention. Subtle energy may seem weak from our perspective. However, at the atomic level, it is very powerful, which is why nuclear weapons are so powerful. At your current level of evolution, your thoughts don’t seem very powerful.

However, when you combine your thoughts with other people’s thoughts and focus them toward healing something, it strengthens the thought healing process exponentially. For this reason, having more than one person using energy healing techniques to heal a person can show better results. Quantum physicists have found many evidence showing that the core building blocks of matter are made of energy. They have also demonstrated that thoughts and intentions can affect how energy behaves.

Since everything is made of energy and because thoughts and intentions can affect energy, combining healing thoughts and intentions with energy healing techniques can heal the deeper structures of the body. Unlike conventional medicine, energy healing techniques are designed to heal the deeper layers of the energy structures of the body. For best results, combine energy healing techniques with holistic medicine (e.g., herbs). By healing your body at the energy levels, you aren’t just healing your physical body but also and mind. Five Energy Healing Techniques to Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul 1. Acupuncture Acupuncture is an ancient energy healing art that is used for stimulating the flow of energy of the body back into a more balanced state.