Nursing Informatics And The Foundation Of Knowledge Ebook3000

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Nursing Informatics And The Foundation Of Knowledge Ebook3000Nursing Informatics And The Foundation Of Knowledge (ebook)

Submitted By trinideolal Words 314 Pages 2 An Annotated Bibliography Deno Deolal HCS/465 August 4, 2013 Jonathan Hoffsuemmer An Annotated Bibliography (Managing the health care needs of an aging population) Mody, L., Miller, D., McGloin, J., Freeman, M., Marcantonio, E., Magaziner, J., & Studenski, S. Recruitment and retention of older adults in aging research. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society, 56(12), 2340-2348. Doi:10.1111/j.1532- 5415.2008.02015.x Retrieved August 4th, 2013 from EBSCOhost. The author give reason why the elderly is less represented in clinical research, even though they make up a large percentage of the population.

The author provides data which give reason such as complicated diagnosis, and preapproval before being considered eligible participants. Grmcprxfreo En Dvd Iso Mount. Future of caring for an aging population: trends, technology, and caregiving. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics, 118220-230. Retrieved August 4th, 2013 from EBSCOhost.

The Baby-Boomer will eventually make up the largest part of the population and this article cover how technology will affect them, because they are going to live at least three decades longer. Caring for them will also cause stress on family members who will act as caregiver and have a family of their own, technology will play an important part in the quality of life for the elderly. A primer on aging, part I: The aging process: Demographics and age-related changes. Focus on Geriatric Care & Rehabilitation, 12(10), 1. Retrieved from August 5, 2013 This article provides information on the income of the elderly and also gives a.

.Annotated Bibliography: What the Literature Says About Juvenile Sex Offenders The following articles, factsheets, and studies have been compiled to assist attorneys and individuals working on behalf of youth charged with sexual offending. The information contained in these resources aim to help others realize the fundamental differences between adult sex offenders and juvenile sex offenders, which include positive responses of juveniles to treatment, low recidivism rates of juveniles and negative impact of registries on youth development. It is our hope that this information will be used to improve legal outcomes for juvenile sex offenders, and uphold the purpose of the juvenile justice system as a rehabilitative, not punitive, system.

PUBLICATIONS BY TOPIC Recidivism Rates/Amenability to Treatment Judith V. Becker, What We Know About the Characteristics and Treatment of Adolescents Who have Committed Sexual Offenses, 3 CHILD MALTREATMENT 317, (1998).

The author states that comprehensive data does not exist to support the notion that if adolescents commit one sexual offense, they will go on to develop a pattern of sexual-offending behaviors or develop a psychosocial disorder. Caldwell et al., An Examination of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act as Applied to Juveniles: Evaluating the Ability to Predict Sexual Recidivism, 14 PSYCHOLOGY, PUBLIC POLICY AND LAW 89, (2008). This study compared 91 juvenile males who had been treated in a secure. Words: 4199 - Pages: 17. .Annotated bibliography: It is a list of citations to books, articles and documents.