Download Tripod Beta Software Agreement

Download Tripod Beta Software Agreement

Background and application.............. Basic incident causation theory............. Huma n Beha viour Theor y.............. 4 5 Tripod Beta and Human Behaviour............. 6 6 Tripod Beta analysis............... 9 7 Learning and feedback.............. 1 7 Annex 1: Glossary................

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1 9 Annex 2: Tips for Tripod tree construction and quality checking........ 20 Annex 3: Errors, Violations and their Preconditions..........21 Annex 4: Basic Risk Factor (BRF) Definitions............

22 Annex 5: Tripod Beta Tree Symbols............. 23 Annex 6: Tripod Beta tree rules.............. 24 Annex 7: T ripod Beta and BowTie............. R Kelly Jay Z Unfinished Business Rare on this page. 29 Annex 8: Worked example of Tripod Beta Tree........... 3 1 Annex 9: Performing an Investigation.............

38 Annex 10: Previously used terminology............ Each Company has its own particular way of conducting its business, i.e., its own ‘organisational culture’. Within the organisational culture reside a number of processes or systems, e.g. Health Safety and Environment Management System, and Quality Management System. One element in these systems will be a process for ‘Incident Investigation, Analysis and Reporting’ whose purpose is to identify why things went wrong so that they can be corrected and future losses and business interruptions prevented. e steps in this process start with an initial fact finding followed by detailed investigation, testing and analysing facts and assumptions, and formulating corrective actions to improve the management system and organisational culture that allowed the incident to occur.

In the Tripod Beta methodology the investigation process is iterative with the analysis process. From the preliminary investigation report, possible Tripod Beta models of the incident are produced which leads to further investigation and fact finding which in turn leads to a validation and refinement of the model. is continues until all relevant facts have been identified and t he T ripod Beta tree acc urately reflects the incident.

e result is a saving in time and effort, a deeper and more comprehensive analysis and a clearer understanding of the failures that must be addressed in order to make significant and lasting improvements in incident prevention. e methodology is supported by software that provides the means to collect and assemble the facts from the investigation and to manipulate them on screen into a graphical representation of the incident and its causes. A draf t incident report can be generated for final editing using a word processing package. (Inst ructions on the use of the software are contained in the ‘Tripod-BETA Software.). Tripod analysis can be applied to all types of business incidents, including, but not limited to, those relating to: • Environmental impacts • Financial losses • Harm to peoples’ safety and health • Production losses • Security lapses • IT failures • Damage to a co mpany’s reputation • Quality short coming • Project delays and losses e Tripod theory and application is easy to understand. Its application in an incident analysis requires skills and experience in the application of Tripod Beta to arrive at optimal resu lts.

T rainin g up to the level of accredited Tripod Beta facilitator is available. Management teams being presented with the results of an analysis benefit from a short presentation on the Tripod theory before being presented the results and committing to remedial actions. Incidents occur when inadequate or absent barriers fail to prevent the things that can cause harm to escalate to undesirable consequences.

Backtrack 5 R3 X86 X64 Setup Keygen. e barriers can be of different types e.g. Related to design, systems, procedures, equipment etc. e barriers a re put in place and kept in place by people with the competence to do so, in line with standard s and specifications. Incidents happen when people make errors and fail to keep the barriers functional or in place e.g. People doing the wrong thin g or people not doing what they should do.