Crack Tools For Cracking Crack Kit 2007 Gsxr
Alright so I have purchase a k7 1000 and the bike was/is in amazing condition. I did a through VIN check as well as my financing company. The bike has never been dropped, never been wheelied (I don't know how), slammed, layed over and has the original plastics on it as well. I have stripped it down since to pull off poorly installed LED's that were installed on it. Tonight after getting home from a rally I noticed this. A crack coming from the top of the frame tree(sorry for my lack of specifics) but I will include pics.
Inogen One G3 Technical Manual. My question is. I am looking for recalls on this particular year of the bike as I don't know what would cause this. Download Replmon Exe. Any help or ideas would be amazing. I know the K5/6 had a frame recall for this but I don't know if it extends to the K7.
Aside from the seller, how could it possibly be verified that the bike was never wheelied or even laid down for that matter unless you are the original buyer and from your post, it does not sound as you are. People crash their bikes but choose not to go through insurance and fix the bike themselves. Free Pat Files For Revit Tutorials here. Call your dealership and ask about potential frame recall?Well I know the guy that had it before me and he couldn't do wheelies either.
He got it off of the show room floor and road very conservatively. Of all the rides I went on and even the guys that road with him before said he never put it on one wheel, hell some even said he never really put it over a buck 20. Used it for commuting mostly. I have found a page listing all of the recalls and thus there are none for that year. What I have found is a whole bunch of horror stories about people bikes falling apart on them while going at fast or slow speeds. Makes me really nervious riding this thing knowing their is a crack present and not knowing how long it has been there.